Monday, September 08, 2008

Heading off to school

My two kids headed off to school today -- the big kid to kindergarten and the little kid to his first day of preschool.

Andrew's had a couple of partial days of kindergarten already -- the teacher phases them in a little bit at a time. Today he was in for 90 minutes, and he'll be in for the full 2.5 hours on Wednesday, with his full class. He had a great time at school today, and is already looking forward to when he gets to go every day.

Geoff loved preschool last year, when we were dropping Andrew off there, and now he gets to stay there the entire time. We've warned the teachers that he's got two volumes: loud and louder, and they still think he's a charmer.

On the allergy front, things are still looking positive. The elementary school's newsletter came today, with a beautiful (to my eyes) "no peanuts" graphic on the back page. (The editor of the newsletter is my next door neighbour -- I love her!)

We found a Transformers backpack for Andrew, and it's got a clear plastic pencil case attached to the top -- a perfect size for his epipen, and since it's a clear case, all the adults around will be able to see it right away in an emergency. There's another epipen stored in the nurse's office at the school, along with a bottle of Benadryl.

As an aside: when I dropped off the epipen at the school, they showed me where it will be stored. Every allergic kid at the school has their medication stored in plastic cases in the same shelf. There were about 20-30 cases in that shelf, so I'm pretty confident that if anything were to happen, quite a few epipens would be available to any allergic kid. (Many of the older kids carry their epipens on them.)


Unknown said...

It's so nice to have that peace of mind feeling when it comes to the allergy at school isn't it? We've moved to a bigger district this year and have been so impressed/relieved to see how proactive they've been with the allergy. They even sent a letter home with the families on his bus asking them to not send peanutty foods with their kids.

spewdfree said...

My 19 month old is allergic to soy peanuts,eggs,wheat and dairy. I started a website that I thought you might be interested in, I have lots of recipes that are free of soy,peanuts,eggs,wheat and dairy

Shea said...

They are so cute! We have allergies running rampant at our house as well. Mainly to cats, and it doesn't help that two of our three are indoor only cats.

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Libby said...

Those are some seriously adorable kids!